当腊味煲仔饭遇上胡椒猪肚鸡你又以为有故事?还是没有!Lap Mei claypot rice | pig maw and chicken soup with pepper Liziqi Channel

When Lap Mei claypot rice meets pig maw and chicken soup with pepper, Any sparkles? You’ll be disappointed again! It’s festival season when pigs are slaughtered  in nearly every household in the countryside, for cold smoking waxed meat and sausages. Freezing days are best with pig maw and pepper chicken casserole in Hakka tradition to go with Lap Mei claypot rice, plus pork liver stir-fried in salted egg yolks. What a divine combination!

正是家家户户杀年猪的时候 腊肉 腊肠用冷熏的法子做了个遍 大冷天的煮了个客家传统老汤“胡椒猪肚鸡” 配个腊味煲仔饭+咸蛋黄猪肝 这都是什么人间美味!!

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